Saturday, December 24, 2011

Dave Barnes Siting`

During the time I was off becoming a certified interpretive guide at the Natural History Museum, rumor has it that Dave Barnes actually attended the Dec 16, 2011 Magnum swim workout.  Since I was not at that workout and since Dave was a no-show at the Magnum's Dec 17 holiday breakfast at Uncle Bills (see item piece below), I could not post his picture nor complement his showing up after month's of expanding his business empire and absence from working out as a Magnum (the Magnum motto is swim and play before work).  But I can certainly give praise to Dave's older  daughter Anna and her performance in the Nutcracker Ballet (who obviously inherited her mother's grace and balance).  

Magnums—go to and type in "Anna Barnes as Clara in the Nutcracker" to view her performance with her younger step brother's Jack's commentary.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Xmas 2011 Morning (Dec 23, 2011) Magnum Swim Workout Pics

Double click on the images below to enlarge:

Contrarian Bob in the locker since he did not want to go out in the cold
Big Jim, Mother Teresa, Susan, Dan, Little Jim, Guest Teresa
Photograhpher Chuck this time on the right side
Dan picks up another Xmas cookie
Coach for the day Dan
Jim, Teresa and Dan

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Magnum Holiday Breakfast - December 17, 2011

Click on the image of the following pictures to enlarge.

First business item was to complete the annual college football pool
 then read the menu and order

annual Magnum wine gift


 annual gift to coach
 gift certificates to local restaurants
 team pictures

Sunday, December 4, 2011

December 3, 2011 LA Harbor Xmas Boat Parade and Party

The Manhattan Magnum Masters drove to LA Harbor and were guests of Captain and his 80 foot ship called Recovery At Sea, refurbished by Jim's community serving organization empowering people to experience wellness and achieve direction in their lives by participating in an on-the-job training program.  It was a fun night: