Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Guy's Million Mile (almost) Porsche - Lost and Found

Here is the rest of the story to the article below on Guy's Porsche. Click on the link below to view our Director of Fun and Games at his best.

Here is the full link to Guy's video in case you cannot find it. This is
a great little movie about the million mile Porsche.
Many, many, thanks for all your support  !!
Guy Newmark
Yacht Centre
-----Original Message-----
From: Jill Fox [mailto:jill@porttownwebsites.com] 
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2013 6:07 PM
To: jmidgley33@aol.com; Toni Trucks
Cc: Guy Newmark
Subject: Guy's car has been found!
Hi guys, 
here is some of the publicity that lead to its recovery.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

News on Pat Fruin and a Dave Barnes Siting

Pat Fruin shows off her second place medal after her swim over the past weekend in Mission Viejo during the US Master Swimming Summer Long Course Nationals meet.  Her time was 29:01:05 in the women's 1500 meter freestyle event:

During Dave Barnes' second son's birthday (Ben's 3-year old birthday party), Dave shows off his Magnum Martini Mixer presented to him at his 50th Birthday Party some years back.  This picture was taken before Dave mixed up another Mai Tai adult beverage for his older guests (unfortunately you cannot see the special logo enscribed at the front).