Since Guy's credibility has always been in question, it is now the team's opinion that this was just an excuse by Guy to have a party and, more important, for Guy to actually be invited to the party (even though he is Director of Fun and Games). In any event, the food and wine was abundant as attested by the following pictures and attendees:
The Spread:

Coach Bruce and Son Cooper:

Coach Bruce and Nancy:

Coach Bruce, Happy go lucky Magnum team WineMaster Rich, Nancy, Cooper, and Father (or is it choir boy) Hallett (the one on the right wearing the official 2008 FINA Masters team shirt. (It should be noted that if you read on way below this blog, you will find that Jim never made it to the Perth FINA Masters Meet and this party was his only chance to wear the team shirt):

Susan, Jim and hubby Ed (note Susan is wearing the official MMM team jacket):

Cooper and his high school friends, Kristen (3 weeks to delivery) and hubby Tim:

Swimmer Pat (in team jacket) , hubby Dick and Nancy:

MMM WineMaster and Team Members Bruce, Susan, Pat, Two Buck Chuck (wearing the MMM 2006 FINA Masters team shirt), Guy and Jim with Magnum Mascot. Mother Teresa was excused since it was her birthday and dinner party at the Chart House, Dangerous Dan was fly fishing, cross country skiing and snowmobiling (tough life) with his management team at Elk Creek Ranch in Colorado, Tall Tom was off ball room dancing in Lomita, Help I'm lost in the Fog Kapust had a business dinner in downtown LA, and Frank was off buying foreclosed properties and could not attend):

To Guy's credit, he was wearing the official team jacket and brought some pretty good wine to the party. Other than that, he has no credibility.
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