Thursday, December 23, 2010

Holiday Breakfast Dec 23, 2010

Double click to enlarge pictures below:

The south end of table

The Manhattan Magnum Masters

Jim, Chuck and Tim

Guy and Teresa

Bob and Coach Bruce

Sue and Jim

Dan and Dave

Jim, Chuck and Tim

Dave's order of a lot of butter and some hotcakes

Dan's Bacon Waffle and Hotcakes

Jim's order of California omelette without onions

This looks like French Toast with bacon and egg

Chuck's order of bacon, cheese and onion omelette

Guy and his January 2011 car of the month calendar
Guy's newer (40 year old) Porche
Bruce's 1997 Brunello wine gift

This is for the Italians to read

Teresa's famous pumpkin bread without the cinnamon topping
Team Video:

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