Party Time at Coach Bruce's house (double click to enlarge):
The food
Quiche by Chef Meg
Chuck, Frank and Stephanie and Franciscan Cabernet
Teresa and Kevin
Bob ( I never drink wine), Jim and Tom
Sue, host Nancy and Sheri
Kevin, wine Steward Rich and Pat
Coach Bruce, Chuck, Bob and Jim
Kevin and Teresa, Rich and Pat
MMM team picture - from left Jim, Tom, Bob. Patrick, Teresa, Coach Bruce, Sue and Chuck
Chef Bruce
Rich, Pat and Nancy along with some great tasting sausage
As the party progresses and the wine flows, Guy explains the benefits of wine to Bob
Mellower now Bob and always mellow, MMM Director of Fun and Games Guy
Bruce and Dick
Pat and "I forgot your question" Guy
Pat and Guy
Disbelieving Pat and Rich and "what did I say" Guy
Bruce and Kevin
Teresa, Sheri and Nancy
Rich and "this is only my second glass of wine" Guy
Oh my G-- Jim, Rich and Pat, "Guy you drank the whole bottle"
Jim, Rich and Pat and "yes I did" Guy
Pat, and Guy in some conversation about Tom
Sounds serious Bruce and Jim
Not so serious Rich, Pat and Guy
Cheers to all Magnum Swimmers

Teresa and Kevin checking out Tom's collection of keys and safe drive (no speaking on the cell phone) drive home
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