Monday, April 14, 2008

Money and Politics


First, money:

I picked up the banner from Pat Donahue's Sign Shop at the corner of Aviation and Artesia. Pat did a great job. It's made of the soft, rubbery plastic material you've seen before, so it rolls up easily, is waterproof and bendable. It has holes in the corners for hanging. It's a large but manageable size. Jenifer gave Pat a beautiful design, not limited to Perth, so it will go with us for years to swim meets of any kind. I dropped the banner off at Chuck's at 9 this morning. Since Chuck is staying in the area for months, someone needs to volunteer to bring the banner home.

The banner cost a little over $100. The entire team will share in paying for it. That's the Perth Six of Bruce, Chuck, Dan, Frank, Bob and Tom, plus the Perth Flakes, namely Pat, Theresa, Susan and me. For right now, we'll let Greg, Tim, Dick, Patrick, Dave, Sippy, Rich, Jenifer and whoever else I'm missing off the hook, because 10 people into $100 is a nice round $10 each.

The Perth marquee cost $100 also. That is paid for by the Perth Six plus me, since I said I would. That's $15 each (plus $10 for me plus whatever else I've shelled out).

Here is where I stand with money:

I'm even with Dan, my t-shirt balancing the marquee and banner.
Tom owes me $25.
Bruce owes me $25.
Bob owes me $5 (already gave me $20).
Frank owes me $10 (already gave me $15).
Chuck owes me $25.
Susan, Theresa and Pat each owes me $10.

I have no idea who purchased Jenifer's gift. Dan? Theresa? Please let me know so I can participate in that.

People, I'm not gonna chase you for the money. I will send a reminder when everyone returns, however.

Second, politics:

Richard Montgomery becomes mayor in mid-May. After Chuck returns around June 1, I'll arrange for our six Perth participants to be honored by the City Council, with special recognition for any medal winners. Richard was very excited about doing this. I told him the entire team would show up in uniform. I'll let you know.

I was so pleased by Richard's positive response that I sought comments from a range of political leaders. Here's what I got:

Hillary Clinton--Avoid sniper fire.
Barack Obama--God damn Australia.
John McCain--You are ordered to stay there for 100 years.
George W. Bush--Look for promiscuous nuculer weapons.
Condi Rice--Beware of mushroom clouds.
Don Rumsfeld--Not knowing your splits is not knowing what you don't know.
Jimmy Carter--I forgive your lusting after Brazilian girls.
Dick Cheney--What I think is none of your damn business.

Vaya con Dios.....Jim

1 comment:

Daniel Muth said...

i like the political advice - makes me proud to have this group of leaders and would-be leaders in our nation