There are two posting options:
- You can reply to an existing post by selecting the "comments" option at the end of the post.
- Or, you can initiate a post by clicking on "New Post" at the top of the page.If you want to add a photo to your posting instructions can be found at
I'll try to monitor the blog. I can add results to a sidebar as they occur, or one of you in Perth can do so by posting them.
By the way, the time stamp for each posting is set to Perth time (Austraian Western Standard Time - GMT+8)- whether or not you post from Perth or the US.
If there is anything you'd like me to add, change, or modify, please let me know.
Enjoy your trip and best of luck to all.
Suggest you go light on the use of "mate" while you're there. Tacky!
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