Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Now I know why we haven't seen Jim Hallett!

The recent posts really convey the flavor of the meet! Not sure now if I regret the decision not to go!
Chuck, no medal on that 200 fly? I had noted the amazing time posted for Tom's 200 IM, and mentioned it
to Dick--knew it had to be a typo since no headlines on the sports page.

It's been fun to hear about your successes--now that you've gotten into the swing of sending dispatches
home, it's a shame it's all over! We look forward to more stories when you return to the Magnum pool!

1 comment:

Jim Hallett said...

Having received the above-referenced notices from FINA, I have contacted the bankruptcy lawyer who has been helping my new best friend, Bill Eisen. I have given up diet and exercise and given Bill all my Speedos. I will now devote my life to figuring out ways to make Chuck's life miserable if and when he ever returns to Manhattan Beach.